Saturday, September 11, 2021

Gamma World 1st Edition

 Gamma World was ( I believe ) the second RPG I had bought as a teenager.  It was a fun game, and me and brother spent hours rolling up characters, and occasionally just picking the mutations we wanted.  We were both comic book readers and wanted to recreate the superheroes we liked best, which was impossible when rolling randomly on the tables; so we just ended up picking the mutations we wanted, and since the descriptions were sometimes vague; we tweaked the effects.  It was great fun role-playing a wasteland wandering Spider-man. 

I had sold my original copy of Gamma World a few years ago, but earlier this year I bought another copy.  I've been reading it, and noticing how wonky some of the mutation descriptions are, and a few of can give you VERY odd results.  So I plan on doing a retro-review and in depth analysis of the first edition rules.

I will also be working on a new campaign, and hopefully can find some players for a one-shot or extended campaign.  Of course I will probably be tweaking a lot of the character generation rules, and mutations.  Or maybe not....

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great day. Stay safe and healthy.  I'm off to roll up some mutants. 

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